Thursday, December 29, 2011

Remembering Dawn

A year ago today, a beautiful life left this world, leaving many of us deeply immersed in grief and looking for answers.  There are no answers, and we know we must leave our questions behind.  

We remember Dawn today, and reflect on the huge impact she made on our world for the better while she was still with us.  With her family, she selflessly saved the lives of over 500 dogs from certain death.  As a nurse, she compassionately cared for and supported countless individuals.  As a wife, mother, and friend, she shared with us her fiercely fighting spirit full of love, integrity, commitment, and purpose.

We take this moment to thank the countless people who helped support the remaining CGPR dogs after Dawn's passing;  you know who you are!  A force of people helped move dogs into foster homes from the Pyr Farm.  Others braved their sadness to get remaining dogs to adoption events, despite the horrible nostalgia of better days when Dawn was there also.  Many opened their purses and donated to charitable causes in her name.  Emails poured in with offers of 'how to help' with the dogs.  Foster mom's took in dogs they were uncertain of, because they knew how crucial it was that we close this chapter of Great Pyrenees rescue, as we knew it, with Dawn.

Kiss your pets today for Dawn, and remind them how they have an angel watching over them from somewhere.

 Dawn & her daughter, Brianna
Dawn and rescue

"Not In Vain"
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
-Emily Dickinson

We love you, Dawn.

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