
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bella - Adopted!

Bella - ADOPTED!
After an overwhelming response from our previous CGPR adopters, Bella found her forever home and was adopted last night by a couple who adopted Juno (formerly Paris) from CGPR in April of 2010!

Bella will enjoy her new humans, doggie-sister, and a big fenced back yard where she can romp around and play 
(something she is very good at)!

By the happy little smile on her face, 
we think she will be a VERY happy pup!

Thank you Kevin & Jeryl for giving this special girl a FURever home!

She might miss her foster-sister Annie though...

This is me!
I already know how to sit pretty for a treat!!

This was my story:
Hi, my name is Bella.  I used to live on this big farm in Agate, CO with my family, little humans, and doggie friend...well, at least I thought they were my family, but then one day they packed up and left me and the other doggie and the horses at the farm.  I thought they forgot me, because I didn't think they'd ever come back.  One day they did come back.. but only to get some of the horses they left.  I ran and ran after their car, but I couldn't catch them, so I was just left there to fend for myself.  I don't know why they would abandon me like that.

These nice people at one of the other farms started feeding me, so I would come around and hang out with them.  They fed me really good stuff, like chicken!  They knew I needed a family, so they called a rescue to see if they could take me.  Well, they did! Now I just need a family that will love me forever and never, never leave me or give me up again!

I am a really, really sweet little girl!  I am probably only like 8 months old, and I get along with other doggies.  I have never met a kitty, but I really like to chase bunnies, so I think I might like to chase a kitty too.  I like little humans too, as long as they are gentle and sweet to me.  I am a typical Pyr, in that I need to be on a leash or in a secured fenced area at all times because I kinda' think the whole world is my backyard that I need to protect.  The nice people at the farm had to catch me so the rescue people could come get me, and I got out of the kennel and didn't come back until the next day, so I need someone committed to having me on a leash or in a secure backyard!

If you think I sound like a good fit for your family, please see the contact information at the bottom of this post and tell the nice people you would like to fill out an adoption application for me!

I like to hang out with other doggies sometimes
and sometimes they give me kisses
All this transportation and rescue stuff has really exhausted me

1 comment:

  1. Her playing with Annie is the best! She's kind of tiny herself! If Annie loved her, then everyone will love her. Her little face kind of reminded me of Ana's siblings. She will be so happy now! Happiness, at last. Thank you adoptive family!


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