
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Need Fosters for Potcakes!

What's a Potcake You Ask?
Well for one they are coming to Colorado all the way from the Bahamas!

"Potcake" is the Bahamian term for the thick, leftover food that remains in the bottom of a pot of peas 'n rice after several reheatings. Traditionally, Bahamians fed potcake to the outdoor, indigenous dogs that freely populated the Bahamas. Hence the dogs have come to be known as Potcakes. They are also referred to as the "Island Dogs."

Although officially considered mixed breed dogs, the Royal Bahamian Potcake is now a recognized breed in The Bahamas. They have distinct characteristics of size and temperament. This is because, until very recently, all island dogs shared the same isolated gene pool. This makes the Potcake an extremely unique species of canine.

Depending on what genes are available on any Bahamian island, Potcakes strongly resemble each other. Some islands’ Potcakes look more like the typical "pariah dog" found in locales such as India and North Africa. Elsewhere, their lines hint at hound, mastiff, spaniel, terrier or retriever ancestors. 

Some believe the original Potcakes came to the Bahamas with the Arawak Indians from Central or South America. If so, Potcakes are as close to nature's perfect genotype dog as possible. More recently, in the days of Tall Ships, The Bahamas played a major role in maritime commerce. Early terrier breeds, carried aboard ship to keep provisions safe from rats and mice, probably ended up as shore dogs in places such as Eleuthera, New Providence and Abaco. Add to this genetic soup the distinctive (and still existent) Carolina dog, who came -- primarily to Abaco -- with Loyalist Tories who settled during the Revolutionary War, and you have the basic ingredients of a modern-day Potcake.

Potcakes are make wonderful companions, they are extremely loyal, highly intelligent and relatively easy to housebreak. The average Potcake grows to 46 to 60 lbs. 

If you are interested in fostering Christie or any of the other Potcakes who will be here Friday, please contact Jennifer at

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