
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Success Story - Lilah

Formerly "Kora/Delilah"
 Current (5/22/2011)

Lilah, originally named Kora, originally came to the rescue in August of last year (2010) with her friend Kyle.  They had been picked up as strays from Oklahoma and were literally skin and bones (two of the most underweight babies we ever had--see the picture at the bottom).  Additionally, they were covered in fleas, ticks, and other bugs!  They went to a foster home together for more than 6 months, where they gained weight, got healthy, and were renamed Samson & Delilah.  

At their foster home, Samson tended to bully Delilah around food and wouldn't let her eat; Delilah showed signs of nervousness in some situations especially around some other dogs.  Their foster family seriously considered adopting them, but due to their separate issues decided they could not adopt them or foster them any longer, so they came back to the rescue.  

We originally thought that Samson & Delilah were a bonded pair who needed to go home together, since they survived the streets together, so we really struggled with what to do when they came back to the rescue.  It is much harder to adopt out a "bonded pair," so we ultimately decided that we would attempt a trail separation to see how they both faired apart from each other.  Turns out, it was the best thing in the world for them!

Delilah went to a WONDERFUL foster home with Melissa Thede.  Melissa adopted one of our furbabies (Jill) and has fostered 3 other dogs for us, one of which she personally paid to have an entropian surgery performed on (Kimble)!  Melissa has been absolutely wonderful at finding fabulous and loving homes for all of her foster pups!  Well...Lilah (as she is now called) fit right in at Melissa's and stole her heart, so much so that Melissa decided she wasn't letting Lilah leave the family!  Lilah is going to be adopted by Melissa's parents!  

Her parents have an older dog who they are letting live out the rest of his life, and then Lilah will be going to live with them where she will get more attention than she knows what to do with!!

Since being with Melissa, Lilah has gone to the groomer (and looks very pretty), has gotten along with her foster sisters--Elly & Jill, and has really gained the confidence that she previously relied on Samson for!  

Before (8/8/2010)

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: Delilah has been very successfully transitioned and is now in her "FUREVER" home with my parents. They decided not to wait to adopt her (with a little push from me, of course) and she just fits in perfectly! She has even managed to give my parents older dog a little more pep! She weighs nearly 100lbs now and is enjoying sunny Orange County. Her new name is Bianca Beatrice (which she happily responds to) and I've seen her 3 times since she's been adopted.
    Thank you, Pyr Rescue for saving this beautiful doggies life!


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