Thursday, December 29, 2011

Remembering Dawn

A year ago today, a beautiful life left this world, leaving many of us deeply immersed in grief and looking for answers.  There are no answers, and we know we must leave our questions behind.  

We remember Dawn today, and reflect on the huge impact she made on our world for the better while she was still with us.  With her family, she selflessly saved the lives of over 500 dogs from certain death.  As a nurse, she compassionately cared for and supported countless individuals.  As a wife, mother, and friend, she shared with us her fiercely fighting spirit full of love, integrity, commitment, and purpose.

We take this moment to thank the countless people who helped support the remaining CGPR dogs after Dawn's passing;  you know who you are!  A force of people helped move dogs into foster homes from the Pyr Farm.  Others braved their sadness to get remaining dogs to adoption events, despite the horrible nostalgia of better days when Dawn was there also.  Many opened their purses and donated to charitable causes in her name.  Emails poured in with offers of 'how to help' with the dogs.  Foster mom's took in dogs they were uncertain of, because they knew how crucial it was that we close this chapter of Great Pyrenees rescue, as we knew it, with Dawn.

Kiss your pets today for Dawn, and remind them how they have an angel watching over them from somewhere.

 Dawn & her daughter, Brianna
Dawn and rescue

"Not In Vain"
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
-Emily Dickinson

We love you, Dawn.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Poem for Foster Mom's and Dad's

There I sat, alone and afraid.  
You got a call and came right to my aid.

You bundled me up with blankets and love.
And, when I needed it most, you gave me a hug.

I learned that the world was not all that scary and cold.
That sometimes there is someone to have and to hold.

You taught me what love is, you helped me to mend.
You loved me and healed me and became my first friend.

And just when I thought you'd done all you could do,
There came along not one new lesson, but two.

First you said, "Sweetheart, you're ready to go.
I've done all I can, and you've learned all I know."

Then you bundled me up with a blanket and kiss.
Along came a new family, they even have kids!

They took me to their home, forever to stay.
At first I thought you sent me away.

Then that second lesson became perfectly clear.
No matter how far, you will always be near.

And so, Foster Mom and Dad, you know I've moved on.
I have a new home, with toys and a lawn.

But I'll never forget what I learned that first day.
You never really give your fosters away.

You gave me these thoughts to remember you by.
We may never meet again, and now I know why.

You'll remember I lived with you for a time.
I may not be yours, but you'll alaways be mine.

-Author Unknown

Snow Days!

There is nothing more beautiful than a Pyr playing in snow!  
Send us pictures of your baby enjoying this snow day and we will get them posted on here!  

You can either email them to us or post them to our Facebook wall!

Enjoying the snow in the yard!
Photo submitted by Julie Parker

Tyler playing in the snow!
Adopted October 2010
Photo submitted by Alena Carr

Georgie & Tyler
Georgie Adopted November 2009
Photo submitted by Alena Carr

Reg enjoying his morning walk!
Adopted September 2010
Photo submitted by Christie Cotter

Kyler (formerly Lucy C) exploring her FIRST snow!
Adopted October of 2009
Photo submitted by Mara Kominek

Kyler 2 years later still loving the white stuff!

Cahota (formerly Tuffy) with half-pictured brother Aleck
Adopted 2010
Photo submitted by Shannon Murphy

Junior playing in the snow!
Adopted February 2011
Photos submitted by Alicia Roberts

Sweet boy wore himself out playing!

Newman (formerly Merlin) loving the snow!
Adopted May 2009
Photo submitted by Kelly Hernandez

Monday, December 19, 2011

How To Save A Life

There isn't a single person involved in dog rescue who hasn't been thanked by a stranger "for everything you do".  Dog lovers visit with adoptable dogs, give them kisses and hugs, and send them well wishes that they will soon find a forever home.  Often, they also pull some money out and donate it to help the dogs. It is also very likely that same big-hearted person has also adopted a dog from a rescue or a shelter.  If you are reading this, this is probably *you*.  Thank you.

We are afforded the great opportunity to impact our own lives, with responsible decisions that reinforce our morality about inviting dogs into our homes.  Often we wish we could do more, but the task those in rescue take on is a tremendous one, and it's not for everyone.  As anyone would suspect, it's challenging emotionally and financially, and I dare say that once you've started, you can probably never stop (once you have seen the light, you cannot pretend to only know darkness).  Daily, those people are confronted with the dichotomy of beauty versus great 'ugly':  priceless, unconditionally loving creatures against that of the human who put them into that horrible state of homelessness, usually out of their laziness.

Any person can advocate for dogs without spending a single dime, and without feeling as though they must adopt beyond their financial and emotional capacity.   As with most things within society, things occur due to the passive approval by those unwilling to vocalize their passion, faced with injustices around them.  By influencing those around us, we can save a life.

I come to this point, because when I reflect on those who surrender dogs, I reflect on the world of people around them who likely gave them apathetic approval of them adopting the dog to begin with, and then again when they surrendered them.  While other people's choices are their own to make, and mistakes the same, we would not tolerate a friend or family member if they were convicted of an unforgivable crime and sent to prison.  While I do not draw parallels between such crimes, I compare only our inability to vocalize and advocate for dogs by our refusal to accept those people who would do horrible things.

While it sounds counter intuitive to tell someone to *not* adopt a dog, sometimes you are saving a life by keeping a dog out of a home ill-equipped to manage one.  So many dogs are bred to meet the demands of trends, trends that no doubt put dogs in homes that are not worthy recipients, and whose dogs will be relinquished once the parents finally realized it would have been easier telling their kids "no" when they begged for that puppy.  Our goal must be to minimize the demand for dogs, to limit it only to serious dog owners who take the responsibility seriously.

You can save a life by being a good influence to everyone around you.  Offer advice and guidance, and tell people what they don't want to hear.  "No, (sister), you shouldn't adopt a dog right now.  You are already overwhelmed."  It's NOT always better to adopt than to choose not to.  These poor dogs end up in homes 3 times over, and no better for it.  A species who relies heavily on routine and stability, the constant life of being in rescue taxes their ability to be their true selves.

For those who neglect, surrender, ignore, or otherwise give their dogs a life that they do not deserve, talk to them.  Make them understand why their committment to their dog is larger than to that of their car and it's oil change.  There needs to be consequences for the horrible actions of others, and I feel like when it comes to animals, we're quick to 'forgive' because there is a perception dogs are property.  While they are, on the whole, our property, it is only in the sense that they are ours; not in the sense they are made of plastic and lose their value once you've driven it off the lot.

You can also help save a life by advocating against Breed Specific Legislation, which takes dogs out of good homes and sends them to die.  This is also free to do, and easy; we can write letters, send emails, and ensure the politicians we vote for support dog owner's rights.  Believe it or not, I have read BSL that included Great Pyrenees as a "restricted breed".

When searching for an apartment or house to rent, do not rent from those who do not understand dogs.  Even if you do not own a dog, show your support for dog ownership by avoiding places that put uneducated restrictions on weight and breed.  I support a private business owner running his business as he sees fit, thusly restricting or banning dogs on their premises.  To me, it's not the people who say "no dogs", it's the ones who say yes, but with the uneducated caveat that the dog must fit into their standard of acceptance, without any regard to understanding dogs at all.  We knew a couple who lived in a "dog friendly" building, who sought approval from their landlord to adopt a large breed dog (a Pyr).  The landlord said 'yes'.  He saw the dog one day, and said "Oh, no.. that's *too* big".  This was a 9 year old Great Pyrenees.  Unacceptable.

Don't throw out toys and dog food.  Often we try a new bag of food, decide we don't like, and have a fresh bag of food we have no use for.  We buy toys for our dogs they hate, and never use.  We get puppies who outgrow leashes and collars while they are still "gently used".  We get new dog bowls, and have a myriad of bowls we are no longer using.  Contact a local rescue and donate.

It costs no money to volunteer.  A lot of places don't need a long-standing commitment (though it would be nice), but volunteering your time to hold dogs and talk to owners about responsibility and breed education helps save lives.

Can you foster?  Fostering is tough, I won't lie.  Perhaps you have 2 dogs, and think to adopt a third.  Maybe you can consider fostering that "3rd dog position" in your home.  You will have the reward of that additional dog, and the unique job of ensuring he finds an appropriate, forever home.  However hard it is to let a foster go, those feelings are somewhat erased when you bring that next, new foster into your home and out of despair.

Lastly, ask for help.  A lot of loving, great dog homes feel overwhelmed at times.  They are juggling families and jobs, and often it's easy to miss the signs their dogs are not adjusting well.  Before allowing yourself to feel overwhelmed, ask for help.  Reach out not only to friends, but to breed experts.  Breed lovers don't need to know you, and they will happy to help give you advice.  Don't wait for things to have been going on for months; explore your dog's negative behavior as soon as you start to see it.

There are lots of ways to save a life.
  1. Refuse to approve of the irresponsible decisions of others regarding ownership.
  2. Educate others.
  3. Be aware of, and vote against, Breed Specific Legislation.
  4. Do not support breed discrimination from businesses.
  5. Donate unwanted dog goods.
  6. Volunteer.
  7. Foster.
  8. Ask for help.
If you can commit to just 2 things from this list, you are helping to save dogs. 

by Shannon Murphy

"The world is a dangerous place--not because of those who do evil, 
but because of those who look on and do nothing."
-Albert Einstein

Santa Pictures!

Available for adoption through Big Dogs Huge Paws

 Christie & Reg
 Emily & Molly
 Dug & Holly
 Boingo & Astro

 Shannon, Ana, Aleck, & Cahota!


Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Christmas Poem: Ode to Pyr Hair

A Christmas Poem:  Ode to Pyr Hair
Sarah Stambaugh
National Capitol Great Pyrenees Club

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
There's magic in the air.
The house is all trimmed and ready,
With beautiful Pyrenees Hair.

We have the perfect answer
To create this festive scene.
Because living with us in our house
Is a built-in snow machine.

Who needs silver glitter
Or tinsel for the tree,
When our Pyr can provide it,
And it's all furnished free.

It's amazing what one can do
With this long and shiny hair.
It clings so nice to everything
And fits in anywhere.

And when your friends drop by to visit
And drink a cup of cheer,
There's a gift for them to take back
From your faithful, loving Pyr.

So here's to Pyrenees fur
Forever may it thrive
In your house and our house
As long as we survive. 

A Poem about Pyrs

Peter Goertz

I revere the natural things
Deep green forest, high mountain springs
But it's the living things on earth I love the most
Far better than a glass of water, napkin or toast

Now God got it right when He said "Let there be dog."
Because he became man's best friend, not elk, cow or frog

And when God told Noah, "Put them all in the ark"
It was dog that got the job to keep watch and bark

Now that one special breed from the days of the Ark
Can still be seen around town, at the beach or a park
They're big and they're white and they're nobody's fool
They can melt you with their eyes, and soak your pants with their drool

They're as strong as an ox, but their demeanor is mild
They can guard a whole herd, or protect just one child

God has given them a strong character and beauty, you know
They can do dog multitask, even win a dog show

I must admit there's a trait I've never understood
If you let them off the leash they may be gone for good

They're very affectionate, yet can be quite aloof
You know them by the sound they make:  woof, woof, woof
So let's thank the French for the wine and cheese
But let's thank them most for the Great Pyrenees!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Before You Adopt A Great Pyrenees: Night Barking

No one wants "a barker".  That loosely describes what owners interpret as dogs that bark without relent, and whose training to diminish barking seems a daunting and impossible feat.  Like with any dog ownership, we must do our research on breed traits that are specifically bred into that dog breed.  There are dog breeds not inclined to bark, and while that doesn't mean they won't, shop there first if you are unsure you can tackle this topic of barking.

Great Pyrenees are PRONE TO NIGHT BARKING.  The list of reasons why owners surrender their Great Pyrenees is short—the dog escaping, the dog barking, or the cost to feed and care (which is not unique to the breed).  It's important to distinguish 'unwanted behavior' from 'unnatural behavior'.  Unnatural behavior is alarming, and knowing it is such is by understanding your breed.  For a Pyr to dig at the corner of your living room floor relentlessly in search of ‘something’ is not natural for this dog.  It may, however, be natural for a terrier breed that was bred to find vermin.   Pyrenees guard livestock, period.  When are our furry sheep at most threat?  Dusk, early dawn, and during the night.  These are the hours when their farmers are sleeping, and predators lurk.  It is natural behavior.

Barking tends to escalate due to the improper response on the part of the owner.  Frustrated owners yell "stop it!", which of course is discouraged in pretty much everything I have read on how to modify unwanted barking.  They're already freaked out by something, and now they're really freaked out!  You are barking too, they think, so of course they will continue.  Of course, other times mimicking barking can be recommended for corrections.  I give my dog a quick, deep, calm "hey!" when he tries to chase my kitty.  I am alpha, and he responds positively to my 'bark'.  (I must point out that this scenario is with our Bullmastiff, who is young and still learning about the kitties.  My Pyrs are true to their breed standard, and amazing with my cats!)

I do think it's wise, when adopting a Pyr into a more city-like environment, to really put thought into the stimuli they will see through your windows at night.  I have recommended to people in the past whose Pyrs were barking too much to consider eliminating their visual stimuli.  I haven't had much feedback on the results.  My one Great Pyrenees will hardly make a peep all day long.  Garbage men, mailmen, people on the sidewalk…it all changes at night.  I am thankful for him.  What I have experienced is that when he is dead set that something is upsetting him, he won't relent with the barking until I have taken certain actions.  A few barks, I don't even get out of bed.  I don't say anything to him.  If I get up, and I look outside to see a strange person, I praise him for doing his job.  "Thank you, good boy.  It's okay, I see him.  It's fine, let's go back to bed."  Sounds nuts, but I swear this works!  He wants me safe, and he wants to be sure he woke me to see what has him so concerned.  Admittedly, nights with bad storms cause him to bark at non-persons…trees, etc.  I have to just let him bark a bit.  Those things just scare him, and if he realizes that I'm not scared, he gets it.

The thing is, I'm not going to get him to change.  He is a Great Pyrenees, and he is prone to night barking. Like all breed characteristics, this must be heavily weighed before adopting one of these angelic dogs.  I always say how I don't think I'd suggest a Pyr for someone anticipating a newborn.  I think I would lose my mind if I just finally got the baby to sleep and the dog started barking.  But it's not to say all people anticipating growing their family should avoid this breed, because they are amazing family dogs and great with children.  Perhaps you have a way to ensure the barking won't be 'in the ear' of your new baby.  My night barking Pyr is just over 2, and he has severe heart disease.  If he is still alive if the day comes I have a baby, I will be so happy about that that I don't think I'll mind if he wakes the little human…but that is unfortunately not his reality.

When I adopted my other Pyr, I did so in part because she doesn't ever bark.  Loving and wanting her was easy, but I had to force myself to consider my "10 year plan".   I'm not sure if I'll ever have kids, but if I do, she will be no challenge.  This is not to say that she won't START barking one day.  I have to anticipate change.  Perhaps a new baby in the house would cause her to be more on guard!  I can't relinquish my angel when that day comes.  My obligation was to understand her breed first, before I allowed her into my life.  Don't adopt a dog because of "how they are now".  They grow old, get sick, you move, everything can change.  The commitment to your dog is larger, and it takes a lot of thought.  How many parents consider the cost of college before growing their family?  Consider the cost of a trainer if your dog develops undesired traits.

So you have a Great Pyrenees, and the "seeing what he sees to calm him" isn't working…what next?  I cannot advise getting a trainer or behaviorist enough.  Often times the benefit isn't what the dog will learn, but what we will…about ourselves, our body language, etc.  The majority of things I read suggest ignoring undesired barking.  This must indeed be the hardest method for owners to use, but we must try.   Often negative 'cause and effect' methods are used.  You bark, I squirt you with water.  I guess I just personally hate this if the barking is natural.  My dog really is doing his job, and I hate the idea of sending him this message that he's doing something wrong. 

We have all known the 'crazy' barker though.  They bark all day long, at everything.  The general school of thought is perhaps there are other issues.  Is he healthy?  Is he exercised... and is it enough?  Is there another dog barking in the neighborhood that you can't hear, but he can?  There are so many avenues to explore before losing patience and considering giving him away.

Before engaging in selecting a new dog, it doesn't stop at breed research.  There are many traits that dogs may come with, and some may grow or diminish with training, environment, or even age.  I think we must accept the possibility for all undesired behaviors, and have an action plan in place for the "what ifs".  If you are unable or unwilling to make training a lifetime commitment, pass on adopting a dog.   Often novice dog owners treat dogs like cars…"it ran fine when I bought it".  They are living, breathing, thinking, and deeply feeling animals, of which some may be more sensitive than others.  With human children, we'd find a way to cope with any new event that arose, be it behavior or health.  Let not the mechanism of working with your dog be that born from frustration, rather from the deep love you have for them.

As I've written many times over, I am not a dog trainer or a behaviorist.  Seek a trained professional for all aspects regarding your pet's well being.  If you've had success implementing training to diminish barking, please email us.  We'd love to share your experiences with others.

by Shannon Murphy

Poem: Loyalty


You can't buy loyalty, they say,
I bought it though, the other day.
You can't buy friendships, tried and true
Well just the same,I bought that too.
I made my bid and on spot
Brought love and faith and a whole job lot
Of happiness, so all in all
The purchase price was pretty small.
I bought a single trusting heart,
that gave devotion from the start.
If you think these things are

Not for sale,
Buy a brown-eyed puppy with a wagging tail.

-Author Unknown 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Success Story - Kyler

Formerly "Lucy C"

"Kyler's favorite thing in the world in "puppy camp" (she goes to Pet Peeves Doggie Daycare twice a week), tied for first is snow - anything that has to do with snow, 2nd is bones and "pawing" me so that I will pet her 24/7, a close third is digging - so much so that I had to give her her own sandbox in my backyard to keep my yard from looking like the Grand Canyon!  She now digs and digs in her sandbox.  She loves everyone, is incredibly affectionate, and is so good with my little dog Howie!  I absolutely could not have asked for a better dog!  I will be eternally grateful to CGPR!"
- Mara K. (Kyler's mommy)

Kyler enjoying her favorite thing!!
November 2011

10 weeks old
 Adopted October 2009

Kyler and her litter mates!

First snow EVER!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Can You Help This Feller?

UPDATE:  Feller got adopted!  He is moving in with a family who is taking him to Nebraska to play on their farm!  Hooray, Feller!

This beautiful boy's name really is Feller!  He is a 1 1/2 year old Shepherd/Husky mix..  which is why he's so very handsome.  A CGPR adopter reached out to us about Feller, as her sister's father-in-law who owns him can no longer care for him.   His current dad got him at 8 weeks old, and knew the 'parents'.  A Vietnam Vet, he is dealing with ailing health and feels Feller needs a new family.   He is good with both kids and other dogs, and he is untested with cats.

He has jumped his dad's 3 ft fence several times so he would need a fenced yard of larger height, or someone willing to leash walk him.  He is housebroken and kind.  Feller didn't receive any training, so upon meeting him you may consider "puppy training" classes.    

Feller's ideal home is one where he has another dog to play with, or a lot of play offered by the family.  He is young, so still a puppy in a lot of ways, so needs a family willing to put puppy training time into him, of course minus house training. 

He is currently in Cannon City, and the current family will arrange transport for him down to the Denver area (or other close areas) for you to meet him.  He does need to find his new home right now, but no one is letting this Feller go to a shelter, so we'll make something work.  We may network him (are you interested?) into a foster home in the Denver area so he can meet more potential new families too.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Food Recall!


Two apparently separate dog food recalls have been issued in the last 24 hours -- one by Procter & Gamble's Iams brand, the other involving several regional brands produced by agribusiness colossus Cargill -- that both involve the same concern over an unfriendly mold being present in your furry best friend's food.

Both recalls are being done because tests indicated a higher than acceptable aflatoxin level in samples. Aflatoxin is a by-product of the fungus Aspergillus flavus and can do some unpleasant things to creatures that chow down on it.

First up, P&G has recalled one product lot (it doesn't specify the total number of units involved in the lot) of Iams ProActive Health Smart Puppy dry dog food.

The recalled lot has Use By or Expiration Dates of February 5 or February 6, 2013.

Here are the specific codes involved in the recall:

The affected product lot was distributed to a limited number of retailers located in the following states: AL, CT, DE, FL, GA, LA, MD, ME, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, SC, VA.

Iams says that retailers have already pulled the product from shelves and that no other Iams product is involved in the recall.
And then there's the Cargill recall for the following dog food brands produced in the company's LeCompte, LA, facility:

           PROFESSIONAL FORMULA RIVER RUN HI-NRG 24-20 Dog Food, 50 pound bags
           RIVER RUN PROFESSIONAL FORMULA 27-18 Dog Food, 50 pound bags
           RIVER RUN 21% Protein Dog Food, 40 and 50 pound bags
           RIVER RUN Hi-Pro No-Soy Dog Food, 40 and 50 pound bags
           MARKSMAN DOG FOOD 24% Protein 20% Fat, 40 pound bags
           MARKSMAN DOG FOOD 20% Protein 10% Fat, 40 and 50 pound bags
           MARKSMAN DOG FOOD 28% Protein 18% Fat, 40 pound bags

The recall only applies to the above products with the following Packaging Date Codes (lot numbers): 4K0335 through 4K0365, LL0335 through LL0365, 4K1001 through 4K1335 and LL1001 through LL1335.

Cargill says the affected dog food was distributed to stores in the following: Kansas, Missouri, Northeast Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Western Kentucky, Southeast Indiana, Southern Illinois, Hawaii, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and limited areas of Florida and California.
Pets which have consumed any of the products listed above and exhibit symptoms of illness including sluggishness or lethargy combined with a reluctance to eat, vomiting, yellowish tint to the eyes or gums, or diarrhea should be seen by a veterinarian.

For further info on the Iams recall, including how to get a replacement voucher, customers can contact P&G toll-free at 866-908-1569 (Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST).

People who bought any of the Cargill-produced brands can return the product to the place of purchase for a full refund. Further info can be obtained by calling 855-460-1532.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

3 Great Pyrenees Need Urgent Help in Illinois!!

An Urgent Cross-posting, please forward to anyone you know in Great Pyrenees and/or large breed dog rescue who may operate in or near Illinois.  Also please forward to anyone you know who lives in in or near the state:

Transport help can be arranged. This girl needs a rescue committment asap. Please contact  if you can help. Please email me if you need help with transport.
Can any of you help to save this sweet girl and/or the other two that at this same shelter? They are scheduled to be PTS tomorrow morning, or Friday at the latest…
There are a total of THREE. Two pyr/saint mixes and then this little full pyr girl.
Anne Hecke is the contact and her email is:
She can try to assist with getting them to you if you can just SAVE THEM!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Available for Adoption: Bo & Azar need to be Re-homed

Bo and Suzy (Azar)!

Suzy (formerly Azar) and Bo have a new start to a happy ending -- Great Pyr Rescue of Montana is taking them, and they are on their way to MT after a few days with a foster in WY. EVERYONE who meets these two has fallen immediately in love -- from the transporter to the temp foster. While they are safe and sound with the rescue, they are still looking for their furever home!  Please contact Great Pyr Rescue of Montana!

Bo and Azar were adopted from the Steamboat Springs shelter earlier this year. The adopters have regretfully made the decision that they can no longer keep them due to an unexpected family hardship combined with the fact that the dogs have discovered how to jump the fence and resumed their old habit of chasing cars. They are willing to keep the dogs for a few weeks longer to search for a place for them to go, but if a rescue, foster, or new home is not found, they will need to surrender Bo and Azar to a local shelter.

These two gorgeous babies were rescued through an Anatolian Shepherd rescue, and someone was kind enough to share their story with us.  They looked at the pictures and recognized those amazing Pyr faces!  One theory is perhaps they are Pyr/Akbash mixes.  Below is a statement regarding these dogs from someone involved in their rescue!

"Here are the photos I took yesterday of these sweethearts. Will see if the shelter has any volunteers who could groom these two and try to take more pictures next week. I have a video that I will send separately as it was too large to include with the photos. The larger dog in the photos is Bo, the 5-yo male -- he had his tail tucked pretty much the whole time. The 3-yo female Azar has more color markings around her face/ears (gorgeous eyes) and her tail was up.

These are such loving dogs -- they are like Golden Retrievers on steroids! -- the sweet temperament in a larger package."

Here is what their Petfinder Profile says about them:
"Bo and Zara's owner said his wife turned them into pets and they didn't want to stay with the sheep so he was going to shoot them.  Thankfully, they contacted rescue first!

These two are very bonded and would do best if they could stay together.  Bo is 5, neutered, and current on shots.  He was hit by a car in the past and has some stiffness in one of his hips.  He can still more freely but you can tell it hurts.  Zara is 3, spayed, and current on shots.

Both are housebroken and walk on leash.  Both know basic commands, are friendly with people, have been raised with older kids, and are good with cats."

If anyone can take these two lovebugs and give them a wonderful home or foster them for NASRN, please let me know or contact NASRN directly. Be prepared for lots of sloppy wet kisses from these two!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pyrenees In Need Of Rescue

We are cross-posting on a beautiful dog in need of help.

shelter # 7585

Contact all listed below – put ‘do not euth tag #7585’ in subject line – click to go to website to view others in need


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Join us for Pictures with Santa + An Indoor Doggie Play Date!!

You and your doggie(s) + your friend(s) and theirs!
Invite anyone you would like to come with you!

$10 pays for...

(1) Pictures of your pup with Santa
(similar to what we have done in years past at PetSmart)
Prints will be made while you wait OR 
digital files can be emailed to you at your request.

(2) Coffee, cocoa, and/or hot spiced cider
people cookies and doggie cookies

(3) Play time for your doggie in an indoor facility

2 different dates
December 10th, 10am - 4pm- cancelled
December 17th, 10 am - 4pm


To support Ken & Brianna's Fundraising efforts for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation in memory of Dawn, the late president and founder of the Colorado Great Pyrenees Rescue, and all of those who have been diagnosed with Crohn's and/or Colitis.

Ken and Bri are trying to raise $6,000; right now they are about 1/3 of the way there!  Let's help them reach their goal because they helped save our precious Pyrs!!!

The Comfy K9 is Requesting that you Bring:
A copy of your dog's vaccination records with you to the facility:
1 or 3 year Rabies,
1 or 3 year Distemper/Parvo, and
6 month Bordatella (Kennel Cough)

This is a fabulous deal and opportunity!  Normally 6 hours of play with other dogs at Comfy K9 costs $22, so you are getting that plus pictures and snacks for $10,
more than 50% off the normal price

Additionally, 100% of proceeds will go to Ken & Bri's Fundraising!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

501 Thank You's!

This year for Thanksgiving we are sending out 501 thank yous!  That's the number.  The number of lives that were saved through the Colorado Great Pyrenees Rescue in 2 years, 9 months of operation, which means that 501 people/adopters/families gave 501 dogs a second chance at life!

If you don't think that you have made a difference in this world, look at that big, white ball of fur [who is probably laying on your bed/couch/chair] and think again--you saved their life by giving them a warm home full of snuggles and love, so we thank you, but most of all they thank you!

We hope you and your furbabies have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!

This is my spoiled rotten Reg...and his sister Reese!
 Shannon's "Staysha" before adoption: sick, skinny..
Ana (formerly "Staysha") with Cahota.. both CGPR Rescues.. (with their little brother Aleck)

If you want us to post pictures of the babies you are thankful for, email them to us or post them on our Facebook page and we will get them on here!!